Quick Cuts Dept: Those ads are effective because they appeal to idealism, the craving for adventure, and a yearning to be part of a team. But now we know that they have a disturbing counterpart -online videos aimed at recruiting Somali youths, in Canada and elsewhere in the West, to prepare for armed jihad, according to Montreal Gazette. The sociology of immigrant and first-generation-Canadian Muslim youth is dauntingly complex. But in some ways we are truly all the same, and the videos have, in a perverse way, an appeal comparable to that of the recruiting ads. Many young men of every generation and in every culture want to test themselves physically, and to be part of something bigger than themselves. Add a dash or more of nationalism, healthy or otherwise, and armies become the obvious outlet for these normal energies and desires and slickly produced, with quick cuts, stirring music, and high energy, the principal ad is a dramatic short account of northern castaways saved and illegal drugs interdicted. "Fight fear," the ads say. "Fight chaos. Fight distress. Fight with the Canadian Forces." They seem to be working: Army recruiting is booming. The National Post, reporting exclusively last week on a secret government report, said Canadian investigators became aware of the videos while examining why a number of Somali-Canadian youths have travelled in recent years to get "jihad training." Graduates of this training have returned to Canada, or have gone elsewhere. As
reported in the news.
@t muslim youth, army recruiting