Economic Migrants Dept: The latest report on global migration by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development shows that in 2008, the first year of the economic crisis, 34,800 asylum seekers applied for refugee status in Canada, 1,045 for every million Canadians, according to Montreal Gazette. Word is clearly about in some countries that Canada is a soft touch and until recently that has indeed been the case. Guarantees for hearings and appeals for refugee claimants under Canadian law have meant that the process of determining an asylum seeker's legitimacy typically dragged on for years in many cases, complications that made deportation of even flagrantly bogus claimants a relatively rare occurrence and allowed even failed claimants to stay in the country for years and it is not entirely a compliment to Canada that it ranks first among G8 major industrialized countries in the number of refugee status claimants per capita of population that it has attracted of late. Canada is indeed a prosperous country, a land of rights and freedoms, of economic opportunity and world-class social services. But as much, if not a more enticing draw, has been the country's dysfunctional refugee-processing system that has made it difficult to weed out bogus claimants and left it open to flagrant abuse. The highest total number was registered by the United States with 39,400, but on a per-capita basis that was only 130 for every million Americans. France, with 35,400 also had more than Canada, but only 568 per million of its population. The fact that democratic countries such as Mexico, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and even the U.S. have in recent years been among the top 10 countries of origin for refugee claimants strongly suggests that many thousands among them are actually economic migrants bent on sneaking into the country by a back door. As
reported in the news.
@t case guarantees, asylum seekers