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Heartbreaks: Robert Pickton

Globe S Editorial Board Dept: I ve talked in private quarters about the day the Airborne was dismantled. Some day, there s going to be the removal of the Stetson, if we don t get this straight, he told The Globe s editorial board. Maybe one or two more earth-shattering heartbreaks and I think people will be looking for a different outcome. , according to Globe and Mail. Each new incident is a heartbreak because Canadians keep waiting and hoping for improvement. Five years ago, lawyer David Brown, heading the pension-fund inquiry, said the force was horribly broken. As 2012 approaches, and with commissioner William Elliott having come and gone, the image of a broken institution remains and the Airborne is a harsh, and useful, comparison. It was a military force implicated in the beating death of a Somali teenager in 1993, subject to a national inquiry, and then disbanded. The RCMP has been at the centre of several public inquiries on the totally unjustified 2007 taser killing of unarmed Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski; on the wrongful terrorism accusations against Canadian citizen Maher Arar; on a 2006 pension scandal; on its role in failing to stop the Air-India terrorism bombings of 1985 that killed 331 people; and on its inability to stop serial killer Robert Pickton in B.C. As a result, says Mr. Paulson, its number-one challenge is to regain public trust. Earth-shattering heartbreaks is putting it exactly right. It was a heartbreak to watch an observer s video of Mr. Dziekanski s brutal killing. It was a heartbreak to know the Mounties lied about what happened before the video became public. It was a heartbreak to the family of Lisa Dudley when she was found, alive but too late to save, four days after a 911 call to the Mounties about six gunshots. It is a heartbreak to see Catherine Galliford, a former B.C. spokeswoman for the RCMP, alleging repeated sexual harassment. Canadians care deeply about the national police force its historic role in nation building, and the many good jobs, often unsung, it does, particularly in remote communities. ( As reported in the news.