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Alphanso Warren: Front Gate

Alphanso Dept: Alphanso built walls within walls inside their small yard, creating a maze of rusted, corrugated zinc. They kept their front gate locked at all times and entered their home by climbing through a hidden opening in the back, according to The Star. The barricades increased in late October walls grew higher and reinforced with planks of wood around the same time the Warrens 2-year-old son, Joshua, seemed to disappear. He no longer hung from Alphanso s shoulders on walks to the store; his familiar crying was not heard and kINGSTON, JAMAICA On Clifton Rd., in the impoverished inner-city of Jamaica s capital, Stephanie and Alphanso Warren s home was a physical expression of their reclusiveness. They were like a nation to themselves, said neighbour Courtney Boothe. ( As reported in the news.