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Brian Mulroney: Research And Development

Solange Denis Dept: In just a few short weeks, the Prime Minister has signalled that he intends to make the most of his majority mandate with moves to cap health-care funding and streamline approvals for energy projects. Then, in a speech in Davos, Switzerland Thursday, he put Canadians on notice to expect major reforms in immigration and research and development funding, according to The Star. Former prime minister Brian Mulroney learned the hard way that politicians tinker with the issue at their peril. After he partially de-indexed old age pensions in his 1985 budget, he was confronted on Parliament Hill by Solange Denis, who shouted, You lied to us and oTTAWA Is this Stephen Harper s Charlie Brown moment, or a defining change in crafting a conservative legacy? But it was his vow to change retirement income benefits an area where previous governments have tried and failed that has stirred the most reaction. ( As reported in the news.