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Charlene Martel: Free Press

Frank Martel Dept: LEFT: Charlene and Frank Martel load toys, household items, toiletries and clothing into their minivan after collecting them for tenants burned out in a fire above that destroyed the apartment block at 577 Sherbrook St. early Saturday, according to Winnipeg Free Press. Charlene Martel, who decided to start collecting anything she could to help because she has friends who know people who lived at 577 Sherbrook St., said Monday that having her email published in the Free Press made it easy for people to find her and a fire has completely engulfed the apartment block at 577 Sherbrook leaving dozens of people homeless. The fire started around 6am according to witnesses on the scene. By 8am the building was fully envovled. 120114 - Saturday, January 14, 2012 - MIKE DEAL / MIKE DEAL / Enlarge Image Generous Winnipeggers are opening their closets and digging into their cupboards for people who lost everything in a Sherbrook Street apartment fire Saturday. ( As reported in the news.