Canada Employment And Immigration Union CEIU Dept: About 2,500 members of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union CEIU filed grievances against the controversial minister for comments she made in a letter to the editor of the Charlottetown Guardian, in which she accused the 4,000 Service Canada employees in the EI area of deliberately dragging their feet, according to The Star. In October 2007, there were 181,931 people waiting for claims to be processed. By last October that number climbed to 360,481. Over the same period temporary and permanent staff was reduced by 13 per cent and public servants and critics are calling for the political head of Human Resources Minister Diane Finley after she blamed workers for deliberately causing the serious backlog in employment insurance benefits sent out to jobless Canadians. The delays in processing payments have emerged as a major issue in Ottawa over the past few months.
( As
reported in the news.
@t Charlottetown Guardian, Canada Employment and Immigration Union CEIU