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Michigan Governor George Romney: Theda Skocpol

Tea Party Dept: When Mr. Romney s father and then Michigan governor George Romney ran for the GOP nomination in 1968, he touted his record promoting civil rights, introducing a state income tax and courting organized labour. Today, he would be laughed out of the room, according to Globe and Mail. The common wisdom right now is that the Tea Party has not succeeded because it s Romney who s winning, says Harvard University sociologist and Tea Party expert Theda Skocpol. I really disagree with that. Tea Partiers have slowly come around to accepting Romney because he has endorsed everything they are advocating. Yet, Mr. Romney s success so far may say less about the revenge of the moderates than it does about his own rebranding as a Tea Party candidate, deftly appropriating the language of the movement. As such, he is doing what it takes to win a GOP nomination in 2012. The son has not dared defy the writing on the wall. Indeed, he has even supplied the pen. ( As reported in the news.