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Pina Arcamone: Michele Mike Arcamone

Bombardier Commercial Aircraft Dept: "I don't think either of them went farther than Grade 5," said his sister, Pina Arcamone, director-general of the Missing Children's Network, known in Quebec as Enfant Retour, according to Montreal Gazette. "They're proud of all their four children, but to know that they have a son who was a boss at General Motors and now president of Bombardier Commercial Aircraft - I think that's something they never, ever imagined in their lives." Michele Mike Arcamone's family is the classic Canadian immigrant success story. His parents, 18 at the time, immigrated from southern Italy in 1953 to escape a brutal postwar economy and settled in east-end Montreal. "My mother worked in a manufacturing enterprise until she got married and my father was a construction worker. ( As reported in the news.