Davos, Switzerland Dept: Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered the keynote address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, a tribute by the world's "movers and shakers" to Canada's performance during the recession that began in 2008 and lingers still today, according to Winnipeg Free Press. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, however, made clear in Davos Germany will no longer be Europe's cash cow; the so-called PIGS -- the nearly bankrupt nations of Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain -- may well go broke very quickly. That might mean the end of the euro -- not necessarily a bad thing -- and the beginning of a new and deeper worldwide recession even Canada will have a hard time coping with and mr. Harper was expected to give the rest of the industrialized world -- particularly Europe -- a scolding for its poor performance up to and during the recession. With the eurozone on the verge of collapse, as British Prime Minister David Cameron had previously and somewhat smugly pointed out -- Britain is a member of the European Union but not the eurozone -- Mr. Harper had some hard and sensible advice for European leaders. No matter how hard it is, deal with it, was the essence of what he told them.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
@t Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Davos, Switzerland