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Prime Minister Stephen Harper: DAVOS, Switzerland

Pension System Dept: Of those reforms, Harper said, getting a grip on slowing the rising costs of the country's pension system is particularly critical, according to Montreal Gazette. The opposition NDP and Liberals said that such a move would financially cripple millions of Canadians, and that at a time when world leaders were talking about addressing income inequality, the prime minister's words indicated the opposite may happen in Canada and dAVOS, Switzerland - Prime Minister Stephen Harper signalled his government will bring forward major transformations'' to the country in the coming months - in areas such as the retirement pension system, immigration, science and technology investment and the energy sector. In the wake of Harper's speech, it now appears the Conservative government could be poised to gradually change the Old Age Security system so that the age of eligibility is raised to 67 from 65. ( As reported in the news.