Untrained Eye Dept: In the city s beating heart, Puerta del Sol, and the avenues, streets and lanes leading to it, life is being lived exuberantly, according to The Star. Yet, to an untrained eye, the only sign of the jobs crisis engulfing Spain is the good natured remnants of the indignados, standing around the square chatting with well-wishers. These young Spaniards were the first to say enough, inspiring the Occupy movement and mADRID, SPAIN It s early Saturday night in the Spanish capital, and people in this feverish, over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived city are on the move. On the surface it is impossible to detect the terrible fact of Spanish life: A 22.8 per cent unemployment rate more than double the European Union average. Almost 46 per cent of under-25s not in higher education lack a job. No part of the country is immune to the crisis. Even the capital s unemployment rate is in double digits.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
@t Puerta del Sol, untrained eye