Leon Mugesera Dept: Mugesera, who has been in Canada for almost 20 years but is wanted in his native Rwanda for inciting the 1994 genocide, wants Quebec Superior Court to put his deportation on hold until the United Nations Committee Against Torture can review the case, according to Montreal Gazette. Besides, she said, the decision of the UN committee would not be binding, even though Canada ratified the Convention Against Torture in 1987 and mONTREAL - The Federal Court of Canada, not Quebec Superior Court, has the jurisdiction to rule on Leon Mugesera's last-ditch attempt to stop his deportation from Canada, a federal government lawyer argued Friday. Lisa Maziade argued Mugesera's case has been exhaustively analyzed by the public safety minister, the Supreme Court of Canada and the Federal Court, and all have ruled the 59-year-old should leave Canada.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
@t Quebec Superior Court, Leon Mugesera