Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Rajendra Kale: Kale

Fetal Ultrasound Dept: This change in procedure for a fetal ultrasound, where the sex is usually disclosed to parents at 20 weeks, would help prevent female feticide, says Rajendra Kale, editor-in-chief of the CMAJ, according to CBC. Kale says that in countries such as India, China , Korea and Vietnam, female fetuses are commonly aborted because of a preference for sons. Though by no means widespread, the practice is carried out by some immigrants to Canada, Kale says and a fetus's gender should not be revealed until after 30 weeks of pregnancy, says an editorial in the Canadian Medical Journal. In Canada, doctors rarely perform abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy unless the baby has a lethal fetal abnormality or the mother's life is in danger because of the pregnancy. ( As reported in the news.