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Rajendra Kale: Kale

Canadian Medical Association Journal Dept: Dr. Rajendra Kale, interim editor-in-chief of the Canadian Medical Association Journal , says Canada must not ignore the fact that female feticide occurs within its borders and should put rules in place to stop the evil practice, according to The Star. Kale says the problem of female feticide in Canada is relatively small compared to countries such as India and China where the practice happens by the millions. Health-care workers should not reveal the sex of a fetus to parents until after 30 weeks pregnancy to combat female feticide the intentional abortion of female fetuses because of a preference for sons, the editor of the country s top medical journal says. It is discrimination against women in its most extreme form, says Kale, who makes the call for change in a strongly worded editorial published in Monday s edition of the journal. ( As reported in the news.