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Scotiabank Giller Prize: Cafe Artigiano

Esi Edugyan Dept: The 34-year-old was writing one 2011's great Canadian novels: Half-Blood Blues. The only clue as to her mission: the faint tinkle of music wafting from her ears, according to Montreal Gazette. Half-Blood Blues would be shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, the English-speaking world's most prestigious literary award. The novel - a bold and original exploration of black jazz musicians in Hitler's Germany - later won the 2011 Scotiabank Giller Prize. The Giller is Canada's biggest literary honour. Coming with a $50,000 prize, it is also among the richest and as Esi Edugyan tapped quietly at her laptop, no one sipping cappuccino at Victoria, B.C.'s Mirage Coffee or Cafe Artigiano - two favoured haunts - could have guessed her task. "Writing this book, I'd just go out into the craziness, stick on some headphones and listen to some jazz and type away," Edugyan said, smiling. ( As reported in the news.