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Service Canada

Claims Dept: So Ms. Finley has authorized the hiring of 165 new temporary employees to process claims, and has agreed that 214 other Service Canada workers should be reassigned to the processing section. Many of the additional hands have come from the integrity branch, which is responsible for cracking down on people who try to cheat the system, according to Globe and Mail. Service Canada continues to carefully monitor EI processing to ensure the best possible service is provided to Canadians who are in need of benefits, she said. We all take this matter seriously, which is why I am receiving regular updates on this file. But December and January are always months when the number of EI claims spikes, and this year the volume is even higher than anticipated. In addition, the agency has shifted 120 staff from part-time to full-time, all to provide the additional support needed to address the numbers of EI claims, the minister said. ( As reported in the news.