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Tooba Mohammad Yahya: Daughters Zainab

Mohammad Shafia Dept: During Tooba Mohammad Yahya's second day on the witness stand, she offered the admission about her changing explanations to investigators about critical events on June 29 and 30, 2009, according to Montreal Gazette. Prosecutors allege the victims died in an honour killing, orchestrated by Shafia because he believed his daughters had shamed him by consorting with boys, dressing provocatively and disobeying him. His first wife had asked for a divorce, jurors have been told and a Montreal woman accused, along with her husband and son, of murdering four people including three of her daughters, told jurors that she lied to police in her first interrogation in a bid to save her eldest son. On June 30, a sunken Nissan Sentra was found at the bottom of a shallow canal in Kingston. Inside were the bodies of three of Yahya's children: Daughters Zainab, 19; Sahar, 17; and Geeti, 13. Rona Amir Mohammad, 52, also was found dead inside the car. Three weeks later, Yahya, 42, her husband Mohammad Shafia, 58, and their son Hamed, 21, were arrested and charged with four counts of first-degree murder. They have pleaded not guilty. Mohammad was Shafia's first wife, whom he married in his native Afghanistan. ( As reported in the news.