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Victoria: Finance Minister Jim Flaherty

Ottawa Dept: Premiers arrived in Victoria for several days of meetings that will see them hash over a response to Ottawa's edict on health-care funding, which has left many premiers east of Manitoba seething, and the western ones celebrating the prospect of the federal government finally getting out of the way, according to CTV. But the gathering threatens to become hijacked by the kind of infighting that was common before the last 10-year accord was signed in 2004 and many premiers are looking for adjustments to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's formula that would better benefit their provinces and vICTORIA A tour of a new, ultra-modern patient-care centre in Victoria -- with its smart beds, fresh air ducts and healing gardens -- had Canada's premiers praising patient-care innovations Sunday, while resolving to push Ottawa on health-care funding, especially when it comes to the elderly. The premiers and territorial leaders head into meetings that were originally intended to discuss new ways of doing things in the health-care sector. ( As reported in the news.