Pauline Marois Dept: "Disgruntled federalists could vote for the Parti Qu b cois because, don't forget, we are not holding a referendum on the future of Quebec," she told reporters on the campaign trail. "We're holding a referendum, but it's a referendum on a bad government which did not serve Quebec as well as it should have. A corrupt government that pillaged our public funds, and that didn't provide solutions to people's problems.", according to Montreal Gazette. Energy independence, a Quebec economic development bank, full power over immigration to Quebec, "food sovereignty" to help farmers produce more cheese, lamb and duck and encourage consumers to buy Quebec and parti Qu b cois Leader Pauline Marois says she has no timeline for a referendum on sovereignty. Still, if her stump speeches throughout the Gasp and Charlevoix regions are anything to go by - and rare are those that don't end in an "I have a dream" moment with her partisans - Marois is planning to push for de facto sovereignty, by "repatriating" as many responsibilities as she can.
( As
reported in the news.
@t Parti Qu b cois, Pauline Marois