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The Green Party Of Canada Website: The Liberal Party Of Canada Boutique

Environmentally Friendly Goods Dept: Over at the Green Party of Canada website, meanwhile, environmentally friendly goods for greens are for sale. Could we interest you in a $6.89 travel mug, stainless steel and emblazoned with the party logo?, according to The Star. I m not sure what one does with foam hammers, but I assume they are less lethal than knives in the back for sorting out the kind of internal feuds that have plagued the Liberals in past decades and oTTAWA For the low, low price of $19.99, you can buy a Stephen Harper bobblehead doll through a link on the Conservative Party of Canada website. Or maybe your tastes run to Liberal red. In that case, the Liberal Party of Canada boutique has some nice aprons for $14.99 or a foam hammer for $4.99. ( As reported in the news.