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Army Corps: Mile Pipeline and Non-Native Allies

army corps: Word came down that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had denied a permit for the pipeline owner, Energy Transfer Partners, to drill underneath the Missouri River, and that a full environmental-impact study would be launched, according to Rabble. Grassroots organizing, nonviolent direct action and leadership from frontline Indigenous people succeeded in stopping the 3.8 billion, 1,200-mile pipeline in its tracks. The Standing Rock Sioux Nation and thousands of native and non-native allies won a remarkable and unexpected victory Sunday. As water protectors celebrated in the frozen camps, one question loomed What will happen when Donald Trump takes over the presidency in six short weeks Finally, for the first time in history, over centuries, somebody is listening to us, Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II told us on Democracy Now! hours after hearing the news. Bitter cold weather has descended over the region, making life in the resistance camps even more difficult. Weve been talking about this with the Corps of Engineers for almost two years now, and weve been letting them know that we had problems with this pipeline, because it not only threatens our water, it threatens our heritage, it threatens our culture, it threatens our environment. ( As reported in the news.