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Chants: Liam Richards and Canadian Politics

chants: The fact that Alberta Premier Rachel Notley can be threatened with chants of lock her up, and Conservative leadership candidate Chris Alexander reaction is that he must listen to constituents, reveals a lot about the character of the man, according to Toronto Star. His nodding along to the chants shows his misogyny and duplicity. Liam Richards / THE CANADIAN PRESS Sat., Dec. 10, 2016 Right-wing nationalists in the U.S. and elsewhere have unleashed a vicious form of racism and hatred that is seeping its way into Canadian politics. This is not the kind of person Canadians need in government. Right-wing groups decry political correctness, but ignore the fact that the idea behind the phrase was to redress injustices, violence, murder and inequality committed by racist and anti-Semitic groups. Similarly, Kelly Leitch parroting of Trump hatred is a further example of cowardly fear mongering. ( As reported in the news.