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Guangdong Province: Christmas and Readers Stories

guangdong province: Today a newcomer creates Christmas memories for his family, according to Toronto Star. As a toddler, my dad immigrated to Canada from Taishan, Guangdong Province, China with my grandparents in the 1950s. Handout Fri., Dec. 9, 2016 In the countdown to the holidays, the Star is sharing readers stories of their favourite holiday ornaments. A lot of things would come to fascinate him such as blue eyes and snow but nothing would captivate him more than Christmas. To him, Christmas was a time of thankfulness and togetherness, and though it was a bumpy ride for a newly settled family, my Grandpa always made sure that Christmas was a special time for his family through perseverance and hard work. His love of the holiday was inspired by my Grandpa, who adored it. ( As reported in the news.