justin: Great voices & adorable kids, according to Huffington Post Canada. What a pleasure to hear the Syrian refugees of the Nai Kids Choir perform today on the Hill. The kids, all between the ages of six and 13, performed classic and original songs before an audience that included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Immigration Minister John McCallum and Liberal MP Arif Virani. Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau December 8, 2016 Under lit garlands and wreaths, the choir, in bright yellow shirts, shared their gratitude for their new Canadian home in song. Your wonderful message of peace & hope filled the halls of Parliament with joy! Bardish Chagger BardishKW December 8, 2016 Toronto-based newcomer settlement agency Culture Link started the choral group in April to give newly arrived refugee children an outlet to express their grief, yearning, love and hope all while strengthening their English. Thx to the Nai Kids Choir for your outstanding performance.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
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