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Make-Up Products: Health Risk and Anti-Counterfeiting Conference

make-up products: The first warrant was executed at the main floor of a hotel, which happened to be hosting an international anti-counterfeiting conference, Det, according to Metro News. Rob Whalen said in a news conference, Friday morning. In the investigation, Project Lucky Chan, the police executed four search warrants around the city. The hotel seizure then led investigators to three stores Lucky Imports and Wholesale on The Queensway; Beach GLO in The Beaches, and Jazz Casuals clothing store in North York, where 16 truckloads of products were located. Among the goods seized are make-up products that have caused skin irritations and rashes, combustible electronics, and children toys that pose a health risk due to possible toxic chemicals. As a result of this seizure, which we believe is around 2.5 million if the product was real we ve got a lot of this property off the street, he said. ( As reported in the news.