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St Mark: Security Council

st mark: The United States said it will continue to work with its partners to defeat such terrorist acts and that it was committed to Egypt security, according to a White House statement on Sunday, according to Globe and Mail. The UN Security Council urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities to hold those responsible accountable. The explosion took place in a chapel, which adjoins St Mark s, Cairo main cathedral and the seat of Coptic Pope Tawadros II, where security is normally tight. At the Vatican, Pope Francis condemned what he called the latest in a series of brutal terrorist attacks and said he was praying for the dead and wounded. Here and there lay abandoned shoes and sticky patches of blood. The chapel floor was covered in debris from shattered windows, its wooden pews blasted apart, its pillars blackened. ( As reported in the news.