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Television Crews: Refugees and Picture-Perfect Moment

television crews: Amidst photographers and television crews, a beaming Trudeau shook hands with the families, handed out stuffed toys to children and even helped them find coats that fit from neatly piled stacks of winter wear, according to CTV. It was a picture-perfect moment that made headlines around the world. Waiting to greet them at the terminal was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Now, exactly a year later, we look back at how the Welcome Refugees to Canada resettlement process has fared, how Canadians have been involved, and how these Syrian refugees are doing in their new home. Stories have poured in from every province that took in refugees throughout 2016 garnering much attention. While a poll conducted weeks before the first planes arrived showed that the nation was not unanimously in favour of the resettlement program, since their arrival, some of those opinions have changed and increasingly, Canadians have pitched in to help. ( As reported in the news.