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American Citizens: Silicon Valley and Commerce Company

american citizens: Silicon Valley often attracts the best talent from around the world and, according to Faletski, that makes it tough for Canadian companies to grow, according to CBC. It has been more challenging for our companies to scale sometimes, to become medium-sized or large-sized because of a lack of experience, talent and executives, said Faletski. I think it's actually a massive opportunity, said Mobify CEO Igor Faletski whose mobile commerce company is headquartered in Vancouver with offices in Chicago and the U.K. Faletski said it would be no surprise to see a significant wave of immigrants saying 'I want to come to Canada.' We might see some American citizens come north and some Canadians return from Silicon Valley, he said. Mobify is in hiring mode. We're coming through four or five very strong years in the tech industry here and the consequence of growth across all different sectors has really exacerbated the talent challenges for a lot of companies, said Bill Tam, CEO of the B.C. Tech Association, in Vancouver. Worker shortage A shortage of programmers and other skilled IT professionals is true of many B.C. technology companies. ( As reported in the news.