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Canada: Canadian Press and Contract

canada: Related Stories Americans trust me more than... Here's what he had to say on a few topics On inclusivity The inclusive contract, the social contract we have in Canada is something to be cherished, according to Guelph Mercury. I will make sure in my mandate that never changes. He recently sat down with The Canadian Press for a wide-ranging interview, where he touched on some of the policies he would put in place if he became prime minister. All of this discussion about somehow changing our policies in terms of bringing immigrants into this country, that's never going to happen under my mandate, because what I care about the most is that we keep this contract with the world the way we've enjoyed it since the beginning and, if anything, it makes our country even more valuable now, not less valuable. Any prime minister with a majority mandate wields a very big stick federally in the form of all of the different tools they have to work with provinces, so when I see policy that is hurting the people of a province, that is taking away from my mandate. On working with provinces Here's the thing about a majority mandate, for either party. ( As reported in the news.