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Canadian Citizen: Huffington Post and Opinion Piece

canadian citizen: I denounced the lack of resources being dedicated to reducing the backlog of spousal immigrant applications and the egregious wait times that foreign spouses of Canadian citizens had to suffer, according to Huffington Post Canada. At the time then, the backlog kept spouses apart for more than 24 months and created enormous pressure on the emotional health and stability of families. Photo Chris Bolin/Reuters Last year, during the week of the U.S. presidential election, in an opinion piece published here at Huffington Post, I criticized Canada's immigration system. As a foreign immigrant married to a Canadian citizen, I felt that waiting two years to process a spousal visa was way too long and completely outrageous. And I didn't believe that even if he won that he would actually have the tenacity to go through with trying to build such a monstrous wall between the U.S. and Mexico. In my opinion piece, I declared that Canada's immigration backlog was as harmful and ridiculous as building a wall between two countries . At the time, like many people and almost all the pollsters in the world, I underestimated Trump's chance of winning the election. ( As reported in the news.