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Canadian Values: Canadian Culture and Poster Citizens

canadian values: My own relatively privileged experience leans toward the creed, but I've kept an eye on a rising tide of Islamophobia in our political culture over the last decade or so, according to Globe and Mail. While it's hard to disentangle anti-Islam prejudice from general anti-immigrant or anti-refugee sentiments, Muslims in Canada are affected by all three. This mixed messaging in Canadian culture and politics has paraded us as poster citizens of multiculturalism while, in some increasingly vocal quarters, singled out our communities as antithetical to Canadian values. This triple punch starts with some of our federal and provincial parties and trickles down to street-level hate crimes. One part played out in the security arena through such anti-terror laws as Bill C-51, or Bill C-24, which gives the government the right to strip dual citizens of their Canadian citizenship. The outgoing Conservative government turned suspicion and fear of Muslims, be they Canadians or refugees, into a political formula. ( As reported in the news.