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Country Agreement: Protest Organizers and Bill C

country agreement: Organizers are hoping the protests can sustain a national movement advocating for policies to make Canada safer and more welcoming for everyone, according to Metro News. We can't just speak to our values. Hundreds of protesters are expected at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto this weekend to denounce the Quebec mosque attack and Donald Trump's travel ban on people from mostly Muslim countries. We have to act on our values, said Walied Khogali, a Toronto community activist and one of the protest organizers. The demands from dozens of community groups forming the coalition include a public condemnation of Trump's Muslim ban, revoking the Safe Third Country Agreement and scrapping Canadian legislation perceived as racist, such as Bill C-51. Standing up for Canada means telling our friends south of the border that their policies are xenophobic, Islamophobic and they're making Canadians less safe. ( As reported in the news.