eberhard anheuser: Budweiser's new Super Bowl ad portrays the 1857 journey of its co-founder Adolphus Busch from Germany to St Louis, according to Huffington Post Canada. Upon arrival, he's welcomed with xenophobia as an angry American yells, You're not wanted here! Go back home! He eventually meets Eberhard Anheuser, another German immigrant and together they create Budweiser, a brand so ingrained in the United States psyche that it literally renamed itself America during last year's election. This is not any other year. You're not wanted here! Go back home! Now most brands don't want to admit to being political in this day and age, and so a company spokesperson told AdWeek there was no correlation with anything else that's happening in the country. A Budweiser spokesperson said its Super Bowl ad has no correlation with anything else that's happening in the country. President Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
Tagged under eberhard anheuser, german immigrant topics.