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Evening Prayers: People and Quebec

evening prayers: Police reported that 19 people were also wounded during the evening prayers at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Qu bec Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre and that all the men killed had ranged in age from 35 to 70, according to Rabble. Thirty-nine people escaped the mosque without injuries. These were among the six men gunned down by a French-Canadian nationalist in a Quebec City mosque on Monday evening. We're not talking about a war zone here, we're talking about Quebec, Samer Majzoub, the president of the Canadian-Muslim Forum and a resident of Montreal for 28 years, told Middle East Eye. Whether we like it or not it has created a lot of fear in the minds of people like how did the suspects buy a gun We're not in the U.S. where you can just buy one from a convenience store. We feel unsafe now. ( As reported in the news.