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Kevin Mcaleenan: Refugees and Refugee Ban

kevin mcaleenan: Their admission comes despite President Donald Trump's warnings that refugees like these, vetted under the Obama administration, were not adequately screened to ensure they are not potential terrorists, according to Hamilton Spectator. The refugee ban was part of an executive order signed Friday by Trump that has stoked outrage and protests. Kevin McAleenan, the acting head of Customs and Border Protection, said Tuesday that the refugees were already travelling and stopping them would cause undue hardship. Besides the 120-day ban for refugees, the order also bans entry to the United States from citizens of seven majority Muslim countries and indefinitely bars travel by Syrians to the U.S. At a news briefing with McAleenan, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said the travel ban for the seven countries may be extended and other countries could also be added to the list. They're countries that are in various states of collapse and may not be able to verify that people applying to come to the United States are who they say they are. I would be less than honest if I told you that some of those countries that are currently on the list may not be taken off the list any time soon, Kelly said. ( As reported in the news.