kokab algazali: Many refugees in the U.S. had expected to reunite with relatives any day, but now their plans are on hold. 5-YEAR- FAR FROM MOM AND DAD Nagi Algahaim, a U.S. citizen who runs a gas station in Detroit, said he's effectively stuck in Malaysia with his wife, a native of Yemen, according to The Chronicle Herald. Their 5-year-old daughter is at home with relatives in Detroit but the mother can't travel there. Trump's order temporarily halted the entire U.S. refugee program and banned all entries from seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days. Algahaim, 33, said he and Kokab Algazali, 28, have been in Malaysia since December, seeking immigration documents to qualify her for a green card in the United States. But he's not leaving Kuala Lumpur without her. Algahaim said Malaysia Airlines told them that while he can fly to the U.S., his wife cannot.
(www.immigrantscanada.com). As
reported in the news.
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