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Kouvalis and Undocumented Immigrants

tory: He said political leaders have a moral obligation to speak out against hatred, according to Toronto Star. But Tory stopped short of denouncing his former campaign strategist Nick Kouvalis to whom he remains loyal after his 2014 election win whose controversial comments have drawn criticism he is capitalizing on the fear and hatred of refugees recently inspired by President Donald Trump. DAVID RIDER / TORONTO STAR By Jennifer Pagliaro City Hall reporter Tues., Jan. 31, 2017 Toronto is a place of welcome, Mayor John Tory reaffirmed Tuesday, saying the city remains both a home for refugees and safe haven to undocumented immigrants. It is expected that Kouvalis will help Tory seek re-election in 2018. Kouvalis has since apologized for those comments. Criticism peaked this week after Kouvalis on the weekend called a political science professor a cuck on Twitter a derogatory term that has been used by the alt-right against their opponents and accused him of treason. ( As reported in the news.