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Liberties Association: Trump orderu.s and Places Universities

liberties association: There have been people calling in and we know that Islamophobia is happening here in B.C., Alam said, according to Metro News. It's happening in a multitude of places universities, classrooms in high schools, on vigilant after Quebec mosque attack, Trump orderU.S. travel ban hits Vancouver refugee, business, and faith communities hard Alam made the comments during a press conference organized by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association in response to the immigration ban and a subsequent shooting at a Quebec City mosque that left six dead and injured 19. That has included an incident where a woman walking down a Vancouver street had her hijab pulled off, said Hasan Alam, a lawyer involved in setting up an Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline the hotline number is 604-343-3828 or 1-866-730-0728 . The hotline provides free and confidential legal advice on immigration, employment and human rights law in several languages. The BCCLA and Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers are also calling on the Canadian government to suspend an existing safe third country agreement between Canada and the United States which prevents refugee claimants from making a claim in Canada if they have travelled to Canada through the U.S., on the grounds that the U.S. is a safe country in which they can make a refugee claim. The hotline was set up last year in response to an uptick in racism and discrimination directed at Muslims or people who appear to be Muslim, Alam said. That's no longer the case, said Laura Track, a lawyer with the BCCLA. Given the rapidly evolving, unpredictable situation in the U.S., the confusion and lack of transparency, uncertain and developing legal challenges including reports that some border guards are not complying with court orders Canada cannot consider the United States safe for refugees, Track said. ( As reported in the news.