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Parade Square: Nova Scotians and Muslim Community

parade square: It was a shattering experience for the victims, their families, the members of the Muslim community in Qu bec City and across the country, and for Canadians of every colour, creed, and faith, according to Rabble. In an act of grief, solidarity, sympathy, and conviction to oppose such macabre and senseless hatred and violence, Nova Scotians poured into the Grand Parade square in the heart of the city at the invitation of Halifax mayor Mike Savage and the members of the regional council. Five others were wounded and remain in hospital two in critical condition. It was a mammoth gathering -- I estimated well over 2,000 -- the largest such assemblage I've witnessed in the Grand Parade outside of entertainment events . A sea of candles illuminated the square as the Mayor, the Nova Scotia Minister of Immigration, Lena Diab, Imam Abdelkader Tayebi of the Umma Mosque, Imam Zia Khan of the Centre for Islamic Development, and other members of the Muslim community spoke -- not only of the senseless violence committed in a house of prayer, but also of the warmth, compassion, and solidarity they had felt and experienced throughout the day from fellow clerics, officials, and citizens of the province. It was a profoundly moving event; one in which Nova Scotians stood together to make clear this was not a vision of society that they condone or espouse. And importantly, of how for them Canada represented the antithesis of such intolerance and hatred. ( As reported in the news.