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Thiel Fulfil: Thiel and Zealand

thiel fulfil: He was granted citizenship during a private ceremony held at the New Zealand Consulate in Santa Monica, according to The Chronicle Herald. The New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs on Wednesday released 145 pages of partially redacted documents detailing how Thiel became a citizen. Thiel didn't even have to leave California to become a new member of the South Pacific nation. His status was first reported by The New Zealand Herald newspaper last month and raised questions because Thiel didn't fulfil the usual criteria requiring people to live in the country. He said he realized his circumstances wouldn't usually qualify him for citizenship, but that he believed he was an exception. In his application, Thiel wrote that he owned a home in New Zealand but if he was granted citizenship, he would need to continue residing in the U.S. to manage his California-based companies. ( As reported in the news.