wednesday morning: As a Conservative leadership candidate, Leitch has promised to screen newcomers to Canada for Canadian values -- a proposal that garnered fresh attention after the shooting, although there's nothing to suggest the alleged gunman would have been screened, according to CTV. When asked for her response, Leitch was brief. The banner, stretching nearly the full height of the single-storey building, says, Hate puts us all at risk, and bears the names of the six people killed in Sunday's mosque shooting in Quebec City, along with the hashtag .notmyMP. Police say the banner was removed Wednesday morning after they were called to Leitch's office in Collingwood, Ont. Freedom of speech is a Canadian value, she said in a statement. But those words have rung hollow for some Canadians, and Conservative politicians say that in today's political climate, they all need to be more mindful of what they say. Leitch condemned the Quebec City attack, calling it an outrageous act of violence and an attack not just on those gathered in a house of worship but on the very fabric of Canadian society, on the values of freedom and tolerance.
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