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Weekend Chaos: Executive Action and Tuesday Night

weekend chaos: Trump denied that his order, which suspends all immigration for citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries for 90 days, was to blame for weekend chaos at the nation's airports, instead pointing to computer glitches, demonstrations and even the fake tears of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, according to Guelph Mercury. The president publicly shifted his focus, signing an executive action aimed at cutting regulations for small businesses and teasing his plans to unveil his Supreme Court pick Tuesday night. Protests persisted at major airports, and concern mounted from U.S. diplomats and members of his own party. But the immigration ban remained at the forefront of his first fortnight in the White House and prompted predecessor Barack Obama to wade into politics for the first time since leaving office. Obama spokesperson Kevin Lewis alluded to but did not specifically mention Trump's order but added that Obama was heartened by the civil engagement being seen across the country. A spokesperson for the former president said Monday that Obama fundamentally disagrees with discrimination that targets people based on their religion. ( As reported in the news.