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Refugee Family: Terror War and Canada

refugee family: Diversity is our strength Welcome ToCanada he tweeted on Jan. 28, followed by a picture of him greeting a refugee family, according to CBC. To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength Welcome ToCanada Justin Trudeau The two tweets garnered over a million likes and half-a-million retweets, creating millions of misleading impressions about Canada as a sanctuary for all the world's displaced. Armed with the fallacious belief that Canada will absolutely offer them residency, many asylum-seekers will gamble all their money and risk their lives trying to make the dangerous journey to Canada. Anyone with the smallest bit of knowledge about the immigration process understands that Canada's doors are anything but wide open, but Trudeau isn't just blatantly spreading falsehoods by sending that message he's actually enticing people to uproot their lives, throwing another wrench into an already chaotic immigration system, all based on disingenuous messaging. ( As reported in the news.