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Anti-Muslim Group: School and Students

anti-muslim group: The scuffle outside Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School last week attracted online comments accusing the immigrants of whipping students and accusing school officials of not disciplining the Syrians, according to Huffington Post Canada. More than a dozen people showed up at the school parking lot today to protest, including an anti-Muslim group called Worldwide Coalition Against Islam. Educators and RCMP are trying to keep the peace at a central Alberta school after someone posted a video on social media of a fight between a small group of Syrian and Canadian students. Principal Dan Lower says all the students involved in the fight four Syrians and four Canadians have been suspended for one week. He says students and parents have been told the fight has been blown out of proportion by people on social media. Lower says the protesters have no connection to the school, Mounties are on hand as a precaution and regular classes are underway. ( As reported in the news.