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Canada: President Obama

canada: It was good to know that, he responded with a smile, as when things got really bad at home, it would be nice to be welcome in Canada, according to Rabble. Nothing like that will ever be said by U.S. President Donald Trump, who took off last Friday for a nine-day trip abroad that did not begin with or include a stop in Canada. When Governor-General Micha lle Jean greeted U.S. President Obama on the tarmac at the Ottawa airport, she told him how popular he was in Canada. Trump took a trip to distract from his problems at home. Travelling with 50 U.S. CEOs, the president announced joint ventures and cross-border investments that totalled some 200 billion over 10 years. The Trump journey began in Saudi Arabia where he signed off on a 110-billion arms sale, representing a new strategic vision shared with the Petrol Kingdom. ( As reported in the news.