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Drinking Party: Park Chung-Hee

drinking party: Some of the key moments in Park's life Feb. 2, 1952 Park is born as the eldest child of Park Chung-hee and Yuk Young-soo. 1963 Park moves to the presidential Blue House after her father becomes president, two years after he staged a coup and took control of the country. 1974 Park's mother is shot and killed by an ethnic Korean from Japan, claiming orders from then-North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, while Park Chung-hee was making a speech at a Seoul theatre, according to The Chronicle Herald. Park Geun-hye is rushed from Paris, where she had been studying, and begins serving as acting first lady. 1979 Park Chung-hee is assassinated by his intelligence chief, Kim Jae-kyu, during a late-night drinking party. It was yet another massive humiliation for Park, who was elected South Korea's first female president in late 2012 thanks to the overwhelming support of conservatives who remember her slain dictator father as a hero who salvaged the country from poverty. Park Geun-hye's first reaction to the news of her father's death is reportedly to check on the security status at the border with North Korea, comments that lead supporters to say she deserves a national leadership role. She becomes an icon of South Korean conservatives. 2006 Park, then leader of the main conservative opposition party, is attacked by a man wielding a box cutter while she was campaigning in Seoul for upcoming elections. After her father's state funeral, Park Geun-hye leaves the Blue House. 1998 After years of avoiding the public eye, Park enters politics and wins a parliamentary seat amid public nostalgia for her father that erupted after South Korea was battered by the Asian financial crisis. ( As reported in the news.