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It-Related Employment: Computer Science and Nations

it-related employment: The program, Computer Science to First Nations Schools, is being run by Cyber Launch Academy, which was founded last year to provide opportunities for children to learn coding, robotics, animation and other skills, according to The Chronicle Herald. The current programming is being offered at Chief Harold Sappier Memorial Elementary School in Fredericton and at Natoaganeg School in Eel Ground First Nations Community on the Miramichi River. A new five-week program in New Brunswick is helping boost knowledge among First Nations' elementary and middle-school children. Computer science is a field that provides unique employment opportunities, said Dr. In the U.S. alone, IT-related employment will increase by 22 per cent by the year 2020, she said. Natalia Stakhanova, course designer and Cyber Launch Academy cofounder. ( As reported in the news.