Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Questions Need: Pro-Immigration Stance

questions need: The positive correlation between immigration and growth, however, does not on its own mean that more immigration magically translates into economic acceleration more questions need to be asked, according to Globe and Mail. The key determination follows the proverbial which came first, the chicken or the egg' dilemma. For someone like me, who supports immigration within limits determined by experts like Carleton University economics professor Frances Woolley, this trend is welcome and directly applicable to Canada. Did immigration cause the economic boost Or were immigrants attracted by the stronger regional growth that already existed for other reasons I don't know the answer to this, nor would it affect my pro-immigration stance either way. A government policymaker who gets it wrong, might find that success in attracting new foreign residents just ends up with more people financially struggling while waiting around for economic activity to pick up. But it is important. ( As reported in the news.