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Refugee Status: Fear I and Helton Achaye

refugee status: I was prepared with my lawyers, according to Metro News. But I really didn't know how to express the fear I had of going back to my country, she said. I had all the facts. Metro has agreed not to print her last name in order to protect her privacy. She learned how to express herself at Matthew House's mock refugee board trial program. function set Cookie related path / ; Related More money needed to support shelter services for refugeesMP backs petition calling for government to do more for LGBT refugees Man who lost fingers to frostbite crossing Manitoba border gets refugee status We simulate more or less exactly what happens at the IRB, said Helton Achaye, who spearheaded the program's creation at the Toronto charity in 2012. Like many refugees, Biruktawit had to plead her case for asylum before the Immigration and Refugee Board IRB . She had three months to prepare. ( As reported in the news.